109 Artikler
Use of Transanal Irrigation (TAI) in the treatment of persistent bowel disorders in patients with endometriosis
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Transanal Irrigation (TAI) is known to be a successful therapy to treat LARS, and in this study, Orlandi et al explore the use of TAI as a treatment option for women with endometriosis who experience LARS-like symptoms.
A cost-effectiveness analysis of Navina Smart on adult patients affected by neurogenic bowel dysfunction
key:global.content-type: Artikel
A cost-effectiveness analysis of Navina Smart on adult patients affected by neurogenic bowel dysfunction.
Do you know that antibiotic resistance is also called a silent pandemic?
A study published in The Lancet medical journal in 2022 assessed data from existing sources regarding antibiotic resistance in the EU. According to the study, an estimate of 1.27 million people died in 2019 from infections that could have been survivable.
Do you know what cost-savings of catheters can make?
key:global.content-type: Artikel
For millions of individuals, the fear of leakage and the embarrassment associated with it can significantly impact their daily lives, hindering their ability to work, socialize, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Valget har betydning – både når det gælder reducering af miljø- og samfundsudgifter
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Valget har betydning – både når det gælder reducering af miljø- og samfundsudgifter
Interaktivt værktøj til brug i behandling af patienter, med tilbagevendende urinvejsinfektioner som udfører RIK
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Structured TAI Training in Pediatric Patients Improves Outcomes and Reduce Failures
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Take part of clinical evidence that speaks to the improved outcomes of using TAI in pediatric patients when coupled with an individualized approach upon initiation of TAI.
Vigtigheden ved overfladeteknologi
key:global.content-type: Artikel
For those who rely on intermittent catheterization, minimizing discomfort is a key concern. This short video explores the science behind a smoother catheterization experience.
Hvordan katerets egenskab påvirker risikoen for urinvejsinfektioner
key:global.content-type: Video
I denne korte, informative video (ca. 5 minutter) dykker Susanne Vahr, sygeplejerske og seniorforsker med næsten 30 års erfaring, dybt ned i det komplekse tema, urinvejsinfektioner.
Hyppige udfordringer med blære- og tarmpleje ved rygmarvsskade
key:global.content-type: Video
Debbie Green, rygmarvsskade specialist leder, SIA, adresserer nogle af de problemer, som en person med rygmarvsskade står over for med deres blære og tarmpleje.
Evaluation of Quality of Life and Self-reported Complications in Patients With Clean Intermittent Catheterization
key:global.content-type: Artikel
This study provides valuable insights into the experiences of individuals undergoing IC that optimize patient care and support.
Transanal irrigation bowel routine for people with cauda equina syndrome
key:global.content-type: Publication Highlight
In this publication highlight you can read about how to manage bowel dysfunction in individuals with cauda equina syndrome.