56 Artikler
Structured TAI Training in Pediatric Patients Improves Outcomes and Reduce Failures
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Take part of clinical evidence that speaks to the improved outcomes of using TAI in pediatric patients when coupled with an individualized approach upon initiation of TAI.
Hyppige udfordringer med blære- og tarmpleje ved rygmarvsskade
key:global.content-type: Video
Debbie Green, rygmarvsskade specialist leder, SIA, adresserer nogle af de problemer, som en person med rygmarvsskade står over for med deres blære og tarmpleje.
Transanal irrigation bowel routine for people with cauda equina syndrome
key:global.content-type: Publication Highlight
In this publication highlight you can read about how to manage bowel dysfunction in individuals with cauda equina syndrome.
How transanal irrigation can manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Take part of clinical data on transanal irrigation as a mean to manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida
Effects of Transanal Irrigation on Gut Microbiota in Pediatric Patients with Spina Bifida
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Transanal irrigation's influence on gut microbiota could have a positive effect on the immune system and contribute to reduced UTIs, as per this clinical study by Futura et. al.
Bladder and Bowel Problems in MS Patients
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Liam Rice addresses key questions around Bladder and bowel management in MS
We Are What We Eat: Synergy Between Diet and Transanal Irrigation
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Autonom dysrefleksi (AD) – Hvad er det og hvad forårsager det?
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Bev Collins, Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect, explains what Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) is, talks through some of the main causes or triggers of this syndrome and what the symptoms of AD are.
Webinar om bækkenbundsdysfunktion
key:global.content-type: Video
I dette webinar kan du høre konsulterende fysioterapeut Julia Herbert fortælle om bækkenbundsdysfunktion, de tilhørende symptomer og om hvilke behandlingsmuligheder, der findes.
Hvad er Cauda Equina syndrom?
key:global.content-type: Artikel
Læs mere om, hvad cauda equina syndrom er, hvilken effekt det har på blæren og tarmen, og hvordan blære- og tarmsymptomer ved cauda equina kan afhjælpes.
A patient's experience with SCI and bladder and bowel management
key:global.content-type: Artikel
In this article you will get the perspective from an individual with a SCI on the management of his bladder and bowel after the injury.
Demonstration af Navina Irrigation System
key:global.content-type: Webinar
I disse korte videoer kan man se, hvor brugervenlig Navina Irrigations System er, og hvor let det er at samle enhederne og skille dem ad igen. Med Navina Irrigations System er der altid en løsning, der passer til patienternes behov.