Kursus tema: Blære & Tarm Blære- og tarmhåndtering for børn

Kendskab og læringsredskaber udviklet til fagfolk og omsorgspersoner til børn, der skal lære RIK og TAI.

Her er en samling videnskabelige artikler, der kan udvide din viden indenfor blære- og tarmhåndtering for børn.

8 Items

  1. Tarmlidelser hos børn - webinar

    I dette webinar vil Bev Collins, ledende klinisk sygeplejerske hos Wellspect, tale om de diagnoser, som kan føre til tarmdysfunktion hos børn.

  2. Scientific Review of Transanal Irrigation in Children

    key:global.content-type: Artikel

    Bowel problems in children are common, up to 29% of children can be affected by functional constipation and functional fecal incontinence, where the symptom origin is not known.

  3. Pediatric Study With Navina Irrigation System

    key:global.content-type: Artikel

    In this science article a combined retrospective and cross-sectional survey study investigates chronic idiopathic constipation in children and bowel regimen with bowel irrigation, also called transanal irrigation (TAI).

  4. Risk Factors for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Children

    key:global.content-type: Artikel

    Recurrent UTIs in children with neurogenic bladders constitute high risk of leading to severe kidney damage and need to be an area of attention. This study is useful in determining treatments and proactive measures for preventing recurrent UTIs.